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 [Guide] Parler aux Asmos (Anglais)

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[Guide] Parler aux Asmos (Anglais) Empty
MessageSujet: [Guide] Parler aux Asmos (Anglais)   [Guide] Parler aux Asmos (Anglais) Icon_minitimeJeu 29 Oct - 21:45

Here is an an explanation of how the translation works, but if you
just want to apply it, you can use this awesome page made by
darkman424. It’s much quicker than manually figuring out each letter. Convert phrases from english to Elyos or Asmodian
I’ve been trying to decode the chat filter between the races since
the Closed Betas, and I’ve made some progress. I’ve got enough
information to figure most of it out, and have seen enough to say for a
fact that figuring out what the other side is saying is fairly hard.
I’m not done looking through the information and writing up my
findings, due to the game being out, but I’ll get it done eventually.
However, I have done enough to know how to talk to the other side, one
letter at a time. Basically, the first letter of any word will decode
in a predictable way, so by putting a space between each letter, you
can type to the other side through a simple filter. The way I’ve been
typing is to use one space between letters in a word, and three spaces
between words to clearly distinguish them.
This table has a list of how to type to the other side. The top row
is what you want the other race to see, the others are what you type.
Capitalization DOES matter, and the gaps and repeated letters on the
Asmodian side are not a mistake, they are part of the filter (so, to
type a ‘r’ as an Asmodian, you must type an uppercase ‘G’). Also note
that the opposing race will see ALL letters besides the very first one
in a line as lowercase, so you can’t really type to the other side in

Letter: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Type (for Elyos): i h k j m l o n q p s r u t w v y x a z c b e d g f
Or: O N Q P S R U T W V Y X A Z C B E D G F I H K J M L

Type (for Asmos): j k h i n o l m r s p q v w t u z b c a f g d e
x y
Or: L M R S P Q V W T U Z B C A F G D E J K H I N O

So, for example, if an Asmodian wanted to say ‘Hi Elyos,’ they would typeCode:

'm r n q d t b.'

In this particular case, since the letter ’s’ has 2 possible ways to write it going from Asmodian to Elyos,Code:

'm r n q d t x'

would also work. An Elyos will see this asCode:

H i e l y o s

with the capitalization just like that.
If any of this is unclear, ask and I’ll see if I can clarify. I did
take this from my post on our Legion forums (with some modification of
course), where it was focused on how we as Asmodians would use it, and
had a couple pages of my theories and explanations before this table,
so its possible that I missed something that wasn’t made clear here.
How I’ve been using this information is having a separate skillbar
setting with only chat macros on it containing common phrases I’d want
to say to an enemy, so I can say what I need to them fairly easily.
That would definitely be my recommended use of it. Well, becoming
fluent would probably be more awesome, but it would take longer.
I’ll complete this post when I’m done writing it up. That could be
days or months, depending on when I find the time, so don’t hold your

ou bien comme moi faites des phrases via le magasin personel et ils verront ce que vous marquez.
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